Ode to Brad Parscale

How do we know that the Trump campaign this year has been a big fail?

The answer is that the current campaign manager is Brad Parscale.

Since he has taken over, the declining polls cannot be salvaged.

His calling in his last name; he measures up as average.

The President doesn’t like to kid around; he is not a joker.

He can no longer claim that he hires the best people, because Parscale is mediocre.

He thought that he would score by having a huge Tulsa rally like Robert Lewandowski,

But he proved that his managing of the campaign is worse than Corey Lewandowski.

You make worse decisions than a person taking peyote.

You are probably the only roadrunner that could be outfoxed by Wil E. Coyote.

His ideas to influence voters are more outdated than Ovaltine.

Holding rallies with no plan of protecting people from Covid-19 is why you are in quarantine.

Since you became the campaign manager, the GOP is not inspired.

I am surprised that the President has not said this to you – “You’re fired!”

About coolestdwarfintheworld

I am the coolest dwarf in the world. My collection of poems will be on this blog.
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