Ode to Ellie Holman

Even though we have the same last name, I think that we are not related,

But the charges placed against you in the UAE should be debated.

The problem started when she decided to fly

To one of the richest places in the world called Dubai.

Flying to this destination proved to be an acrimonious flaw

Due to the fact that in that area of the world, they continue to practice sharia law.

Not to go into explicit details

But that means that most Arabs do not like to give rights to females.

That explains why they arrested you for absolutely no reason;

They treat women like that on every day of any season.

I hope that they don’t end up putting you in jail

Because the hygiene in that country is an absolute fail.

About coolestdwarfintheworld

I am the coolest dwarf in the world. My collection of poems will be on this blog.
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5 Responses to Ode to Ellie Holman

  1. V.E.G. says:

    Please, for Pete’s sake, do an ode in tribute to the Jacksonville Video Game Tournament shooting. Remember the victims, Taylor Robertson and Elijah Clayton. It is like the Wild Bill Hickok and Jack McCall of Video Games. The gunman is the Jack McCall of Video Games, while Taylor Robertson is the Wild Bill Hickok of Video Games and Elijah Clayon is the Wild Bill Hickok of Video Games. Ronald Casey is a true hero saving two others. Well done, Ronald. Drini Gjoka is of Albanian origin.

  2. V.E.G. says:

    Rest easy, Taylor and Elijah. They are like the two heroes of Florida, Mark Kram and Ernest Hammett!

  3. V.E.G. says:

    Another hero, Jordan Williams!

  4. V.E.G. says:

    Taylor Mack Robertson is the sixth cousin, once removed of yet another crime victim, Richard Finley Newcomer!

  5. V.E.G. says:

    Both Newcomer and Robertson’s middle names are the same as respectively, Finley Lane and Mack Lane in Moffat County, Colorado!

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