Ode to the Unite the Right II March

Last year, racism rang through the hemisphere

When a group of people appeared in Charlottesville that were not too cavalier.

They did not want the statue of General Robert E. Lee taken down,

So they showed up in Virginia with scowls and frowns

Along with Tiki torches as if they were preparing to fight against Mace Windu.

Also, they displayed weird symbols from ideology they stole from the Hindus.

Then, everyone knew what they were chanting wasn’t totally true

Because they were yelling that they didn’t want to be replaced by the Jews.

To make it even crazier, they they thought that this idea was as real as the Magna Carta.

The permit for this first “Unite the Right” march was for 300, but they didn’t look like they were marching to orders from King Leonidas of Sparta.

Although they call themselves the right, realize that their views are not correct.

This type of thinking is the philosophy that we should reject.

Life is too short.  Be free and feel alive.

Look at the scoreboard.  The Confederacy surrendered in 1865.

This year’s march should even be worse

Because since then, all these new White supremacists have been cursed with a curse.

You can protest all that you want in DC at Lafayette Square

Because this second march will show once again that their viewpoint is unfair.

A hole must have been drilled in their brains and filled with gelatin.

How can a group of people claim to be superior when they lack melanin?




About coolestdwarfintheworld

I am the coolest dwarf in the world. My collection of poems will be on this blog.
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