Ode to Impending world economic collapse

This world economic collapse will be one that will be talked about for ages.

By the end of this year, a loaf of bread could be worth a day’s wages.

The first domino to fall will be the actual start of Brexit.

Delaying the inevitable but not being prepared for the exit.

The rich will no longer be allowed to oppress the poor

Because this economic collapse will be like something that we have never seen before.

Billions of dollars will be lost immediately during the upcoming collapse.

Money will be transferred as quickly as the nervous system sends info through a synapse.


About coolestdwarfintheworld

I am the coolest dwarf in the world. My collection of poems will be on this blog.
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2 Responses to Ode to Impending world economic collapse

  1. V.E.G. says:

    Please make an ode to the victim, Rodolfo Arco. Arco was born in Cuba.

  2. V.E.G. says:

    Please make an ode to the Odessa shootings! The man is with Jesus, and his name was Joseph Bryan Griffith, a man of British origin.

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