Ode to Isaiah Stewart

He was husky in college

And seemed like he would be a good pro with acquired knowledge,

But he went to college to Washington instead of Connecticut

His pro career has gone downhill because he lacks etiquette.

He proved to be a total con

Because he punked out and did nothing a few years back when he was elbowed by LeBron.

The reason why he was drafted by Detroit

Was that they thought he would do exploits.

How is it that you are still an NBA player

After sucker-punching an opponent, there is nothing else that is gayer.

You have chosen the wrong example to follow on the NBA scene

Because you have attempted to copy the antics of Draymond Green.

We won’t see him for the rest of the season because he is too hurt.

Work on your game this summer or I will be watching your highlights for the Shanghai Sharks next season, Isaiah Stewart.

About coolestdwarfintheworld

I am the coolest dwarf in the world. My collection of poems will be on this blog.
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