Ode to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

In 2021, I now have a full definition of what failure means:

US Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene.

I have figured out why her popularity continues to surge

Because she looks like the female mask from “The Purge.”

She was caught on video harassing David Hogg

Which was why some people were calling her Miss Piggy since she acts like a hog.

Nevertheless, nothing will ever begin to phase her

Because she believes that California wildfires are started by “Jewish lasers.”

In her mind, she has chosen to believe in conspiracy theories.

That’s a dumber decision than what the Rays manager did in the World Series.

All of the lies that she spews will mean that she will eventually be sued for libel.

She claims to be a Christian, but she probably has never even read the entire Bible.

Instead, she chooses to read about conspiracies from QAnon,

Which proves that her brain cells are stuck in a conspiracy theory marathon.

I do not think that anyone who lives in an American city

Believed that she could have made any input to the Education Committee.

The people in Georgia’s 14th District voted for her to gain revenge on the rest of the country

Since everybody roasts them for lacking intelligence and punditry.

It’s convenient that her initials are MTG.

Her parents did that on purpose to let everyone know that she is empty, G.

About coolestdwarfintheworld

I am the coolest dwarf in the world. My collection of poems will be on this blog.
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